The God of mercy

Zechariah 8:3
"Thus saith the LORD; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain."

Our God is a merciful God and he is the God of restoration, run to him and see the great deliverance in his name Amen 🙏

Zechariah 8:4
"Thus saith the LORD of hosts; There shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem, and every man with his staff in his hand for very age."
Zechariah 8:5
"And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof."
Zechariah 8:6
"Thus saith the LORD of hosts; If it be marvelous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days, should it also be marvelous in mine eyes? saith the LORD of hosts."

Prophet Egbe Matthew

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