Revelation 3:8
"I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name."

Isaiah 22;20-22,  9;6-7, Luke 1;32-33,
Psalm 24, 1corinthians 6;9,

Matthew 16:19
"And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

Divine open door is a promise God made to us and he fulfilled it in Christ Jesus by the release of the Holyspirit, but unfortunately most christians walk outside the door which is Grace because they lack the understanding of what CHRIST did for humanity.

To walk in Divine open door you most do the following:
1) You most continue to grow in the knowledge of God. Proverb 21:16

2) You most learn about the Angels and fully engage their ministry.
If you are able to engage your Angel well through PRAYER with understanding the issue of fear and protection will no longer be a problem for you
You will also walk in MIRACLE
2kings 6;19-20, Acts 5;18-19

3) Continue in giving High Praise to God.
Acts 16;26-27, Psalm 100;4

4) Engage at all times the Anointing of the Holyspirit, your door can never be shut.

5) Continue in the service and interest of the kingdom of God.
Matthew 6;33, Psalm 34:10, Job 36;11, Galatians 6:7

6) Continue to grow in faith and always be lead by the holyspirit, so that you don't go to another man's door and be knocking.
Psalm 23:1, 24;7, Mark 9;23, 11;32

7) Be in covenant with God like Abraham and others in faith

8) Become an obedient GIVER,
most doors open by giving in a sacrificial way, especially doors to prosperity and healing.
Don't wait to be told to give, invest in a very good thing and the rewards will always come back to you in folds 
Malachi 3;10


1) Father open the door of my blessing to me

2) Every opposing power resisting my entrance into the door of my possession die by fire in Jesus name

3) Every distractor established to resist and scar me from entering into the door of my possession be destroyed in Jesus name

4) Angels of the Most High God guide me through my open door Jesus name

5) God of Elisha lead the enemy away from my open door Jesus name

6) Every old and new decree standing against my blessing be abolished in Jesus name

7) Blood of Jesus Christ speak for my family in Jesus mighty name Amen

8) Every sin standing against my brake through be bloted out now in Jesus mighty name Amen

Prophet Egbe Matthew
Have a glorious moment


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